Take screenshots in emacs org mode with flameshot

Figure 1: Screencast showing flameshot in action

Figure 1: Screencast showing flameshot in action


Enable the org layer in your .spacemacs dotspacemacs-configuration-layers


Install flameshot

 sudo pacman -S flameshot

Add the line below to your .spacemacs custom-set-variables

  '(org-download-screenshot-method "flameshot gui --raw > %s"))


While being in your org buffer:

  1. Take your screenshot hitting , i D s or calling M-x org-download-screenshot
  2. Edit your screenshot on the fly or.. don’t
  3. Hit RET to insert your screenshot into your org file

Figure 2: A screenshot taken with flameshot in org mode

Figure 2: A screenshot taken with flameshot in org mode